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From attracting leads to closing deals to servicing customers to the platform that powers it all, LTMG's offerings will help you meet and exceed your goals

Needs-specific Offerings

Marketing: LTMG's approach to marketing spans the entirety of your marketing and sales funnel. Achieve your goals for brand awareness, lead generation, and successful campaigns.

Sales: Maximize the value of your marketing efforts and help your sales team close business faster. Ensure your teams have the tools, guidance, and content they need to meet customers wherever they are along the funnel.

Business Development: From product integrations to cross-selling and referrals, LTMG makes strategic introductions to help you grow faster. 

HubSpot: Align your people, processes, and platforms. LTMG's experts will help you optimize your tech stack to meet your unique needs.

Legal Tech Persona Mastery Suite: LTMG is pleased to announce the launch of The Legal Tech Persona Mastery Suite, a collection of free resources for creating and leveraging ICPs and Buyer Personas.

  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Business Development
  • HubSpot
  • Legal Tech Persona Mastery Suite

Strategic and Tactical Offerings

Planning & Budgeting:
  • Develop a plan of action around your short-, medium-, and long-term priorities: be better recognized in the market, increase revenue and conversion, evolve with the changing needs of your dynamic client base.
  • Determine detailed marketing budgets to meet your needs and help you make investments that will help you achieve your goals. 
  • Identify business development opportunities.
  • Develop an ideal marketing mix and lead generation plans. 
  • Analyze existing performance data and implement a data-driven decision framework. 
Branding, Re-Branding, & Positioning
  • Market Research and Competitive Analysis
  • Buyer Personas
  • Mapping the customer journey
  • Messaging
  • Detailed Marketing Plans
  • Sales & Marketing Alignment
  • Align company's assets with branding
Customer Success & Expansion:
  • Map the customer journey 
  • Develop upsell and cross-sell pipelines 
  • Plan proactive outreach
Inbound Campaigns
  • Content creation 
  • Social Media 
  • Campaign Management 
  • Omni-Channel Execution
Lead Generation
  • Media Acquisition 
  • Targeted Outreach 
  • Partner Development

Training, Redesign, & Engagement

Sales Training 
  • Building a HOT LIST 
    • Building the information. Use it / execute it  
    • Research and prepare for prospecting 
    • Find the right contact or the person with the responsibility 
  • Preparation / practice  
  • Focus on leads & opportunities, not close 
  • Once you’ve got the meeting 
    • Overtime Questions 
    • Commitment phase  
    • Leverage human motivation 
  • And more.
Redesigning The Sales Infrastructure  
  • Tactical plans and actions – vision & process objectives. A plan containing strategy & milestone-level tactics for every objective / initiative. 
Short-Term Engagement Examples 
  • Measurement of existing process / add to &/or develop new structures. 
  • Fast-track campaign to capitalize on current & future leads 
  • Develop sale programs & supervise and manage activities, set goals 
  • Winning Proposals 
    • How to write & automate 
    • 7 magic questions to uncover answers so that proposals are based on clients issues and pain points 
  • Territory strategy. How to create harmony between your sales reps 
  • And more.


Connecting You to the
Right Channels

  • Bar Associations 
  • Legal Tech Consultants 
  • Practice Management Advisors 
  • Integration Opportunities 
  • Influencers 

Make your platform work for you

Tech Stack Audit 
  • Empower your marketing, sales, and service teams to create a frictionless customer experience by connecting all your data to one platform  
  • Review all systems and solutions to minimize spend and eliminate ‘zombie’ subscriptions 
  • Analyze usage by department (sales, marketing, customer success, operations) to refine and improve handoff from department to department

  • Verify and implement integrations where necessary to ensure proper data synchronization in line with marketing campaigns and goals. Using extensive built-in API’s, HubSpot can receive information from your application that can be immediately utilized by marketing, sales, customer success, and operations teams.
Ongoing Services 
Data Audit, Migration, and Optimization 
  • Review data privacy and consent settings 
  • Assign owners to contacts, companies and deals. Then, implement a process/workflow for automatically assigning owners 
  • Update contact, company, and deal records with essential information like phone number, first name, lifecycle stage, country, etc. 
  • Build workflows, sales sequences, dashboards, pipelines, and reports 
  • Audit contact, company, and deal records to identify missing information 
  • Migrate leads from other services and bulk update leads with missing information using imports 
  • Review and fix duplicate contacts, companies, and deals 
  • Implement a process/workflow for automated HubSpot/lead scoring 
  • Review the process/workflows for updating lead statuses and develop a plan to update the records 
  • Review the process/workflows for assigning buyer personas and develop a plan to update the records 
  • Review the process/workflows for updating deals in pipeline and develop a plan to bring records up to date 
  • Review current contact lists and develop useful lists like contact segments and target lists. Then, create a list/folder structure to organize them. 
  • Identify unused, duplicate, or dated lists and remove them to keep the account clean 
  • Clean up your CRM dashboards.
Update Marketing Tools 
  • Standardize the naming convention and organization structure for assets, including emails, landing pages, and forms. Then, update the names of these assets accordingly. 
  • Standardize the naming convention and organization structure for tracking URL parameters to track sources: Source, Medium, Term, Content. 
  • Create and review tracking URLs to understand which sources are generating the best results. Embed CTAs on your main website to track engagement. 
  • Review Ad Platform integrations and ensure they are currently tracking interactions from campaigns. 
  • Review and optimize HubSpot Audiences tool to better segment ads. 
  • Update your templates, CTAs, and forms to keep them relevant.  
  • Use data from your forms to update low-performing assets. 
  • Review your support process and enable more inbox tools to automate in HubSpot 
  • Review workflows and update: automate data collection and contact management, delete unused workflows, etc. Set up automation options based on the desired outcome or goal you are pursuing. For instance, you can send automated emails or assign tasks to team members after a lead submits a form. 
  • Review Marketing Email Health tool and Traffic Analytics, then implement recommendations. 
  • Audit marketing email campaigns, landing pages, and forms to optimize the customer journey. Improve low-performing emails and landing pages. 
  • Provide a cost/benefit analysis for implementing Service Hub tools. 
  • Clean up your marketing dashboards
Update Sales Enablement Tools 
  • Standardize the naming convention and organization structure for assets, including emails, snippets, meetings, and templates. Then, update these assets. 
  • Review your task/followup processes and enable more inbox tools to automate in HubSpot 
  • Update your snippets, templates, sequences, and content to keep them relevant 
  • Review sales pipelines to optimize the customer journey. Update record customization, pipeline and data automation, and ensure deals are in their proper stages. 
  • Associate deals with companies and contacts 
  • Review workflows and update: add workflows to automate data collection and management, automate deal progression, delete unused workflows, etc. 
  • Make updates to the mandatory fields required for moving deals in your pipelines 
  • Ensure engagement tracking and implement a process/workflow for automated HubSpot/lead scoring 
  • Train your team on task management. Ensure overdue tasks are deleted or set a fixed date for completion. 
  • Update team goals for each pipeline. Then, align forecasted amounts, close dates, and probabilities according to goals and past performance. Create workflows to automate these properties. 
  • Refine sales dashboards
HubSpot Instance Audit
  • Designed to maximize your investment in HubSpot 
  • Audit your tech instance to ensure data visibility, optimize reporting, and eliminate redundancies 
  • Ensure you have correctly configured Google Analytics and that it is correctly attributing traffic to the proper channels and campaigns, tracking meaningful data and reporting on the right goals 
  • Evaluate all the tools in your CMS Hub including mobile optimization, smart content, website pages, design manager, themes, templates, consistency, site performance, and more to ensure your website is properly reflecting your messaging and helping you convert visitors into prospects and customers. 
  • Update and audit your overall actions within HubSpot to ensure you have consistency with data collection, organization, and reporting. 
  • Clean up your integration and data dashboards.

A Collection of Free Resources for Creating and Leveraging ICPs & Buyer Personas

All tailored to help you create and leverage Ideal Customer Profiles and Buyer Personas in the legal tech market.

Don't let another day pass without this crucial insight.
Start your journey to more targeted, effective growth strategies today.
Here's what you'll get:
  8 In-Depth Modules
  29 Practical Lessons
  5 Ready-To-Use Checklists and SOPs

DIY Marketing may be holding you back